Errori da non commettere per il tuo biondo

Mistakes not to be made for your blonde

Today I want to tell you about MISTAKES

Mistakes you must not make if you want the blonde you wear be what you imagined.

And to continue to keep the best blonde for you, discover the anti-yellow kit.


Almost always when after 3 hours of work the work doesn't convince you, the error is not so much technical as design.
I'll explain; the design phase is the fundamental part, the part where you and I share ideas, we try to understand the effect you want to achieve and above all we try to figure out if that type of result you have chosen is, what best suits you.



What does lifestyle have to do with Blond?
I know it sounds crazy but the lifestyle you have is BASIC to understand if the type of project or job you have in mind goes well with your daily life.
As you know every blonde requires a specific type of maintenance, to ensure that it does not turn yellow, does not turn towards an unwanted reflection and does not become opaque.
I'll give you an example to be clearer;
If you're someone who maybe goes to the pool, I'll never recommend an extreme blonde, the glacial ones and do you know why?
Because chlorine accelerates the process of natural oxidation of the hair; RESULT after a couple of dips with a glacial blond your hair will turn to an ANTI-AESTHETIC yellow-green.
This is why it is of paramount importance know the lifestyle and habits who I have in front of me before proposing a certain type of job.



The word "diagnosis" must not imply something medical.
Using a special micro camera, before the realization of a project, the state of the skin and hair is evaluated.
70% of hair well-being depends on proper skin cleansing.
Furthermore, by evaluating the CURRENT state of the hair, it can be established whether the hair is at that moment it is ready to be bleached.
Result ? perfect blond WITHOUT HAVING WASTE HAIR.
Alas many hairdressers can't say no; this does not happen within I Love Blonde, because we have a professional obligation to safeguard the well-being and structure of the hair first and foremost;
so if your hair is not ready, we will not proceed to a lightening job, rather than restoring the fiber and, only subsequently and after another check, to the lightening job.


Oh yes, the character you have also greatly influences the type of blond to be created.
A technically perfect blond, but one that doesn't reflect your character will turn into a job you DON ' T LIKE.
So be careful, the initial consultancy serves precisely to limit the error as much as possible.


We have reached the sore point haha.
Seriously, knowing the budget you want to dedicate to hair care is essential and do you know why?
Because every blonde, depending on its shade needs MAINTENANCE.
Colder blondes in general need more maintenance than warm ones and knowing the budget to dedicate allows me to recommend one shade rather than another depending on the time you want to dedicate.
In this way, the work we will design together will ensure you 0 errors and 0 surprises.

If you want more information to get the best blonde for you, click here!
